About BaP

What is this peculiar yet awesome place?
Books-a-Pound (BaP) is a book blog created by Me, Myself and I to spread the joy of awesome books to everyone. This is the blog child that I have nurtured for years and has finally blossomed into what you see here today. It’s a place where I can give my musings on anything and everything book related. From my musings on books I’ve read to general ramblings about things in the booksphere that catch my eye.

I decided to create BaP because I read an obscene amount of awesome books each year, and I’ve always wanted to share the awesomeness with others. But I could never convince people around me to read any of my suggestions. Despite my need to properly convey the excitement and love I experienced, my ravings on the general incredibleness of my latest read were never clear and sounded scattered at best (nonsensical ramblings at worst). But I still wanted to tell people about my books. Nay! I knew I had a duty to tell people about these incredible things I’ve read. Then I discovered book blogs. The answer was right before my eyes! (It took me a couple years to realize that blogging was my solution but I eventually did.) And here I am now. I have to say that I’m very proud of myself for getting BaP up and running. I have a horrible habit of starting a project with energy and zeal then forgetting about it, but I stuck with BaP. It took me a few years… but whatever.

Strange person, who exactly are you?
This is me!
Sims is my name. Let's play a game… or read a book
I am the mighty Book Weigher! 
I'm also a college student with plans to enter publishing after college as either an agent or a publisher. I love reading, cats, anime, manga, grapes and relaxing. When not reading I’m either sleeping, cooking, making jewelry, reading manga, watching anime, sleeping, dancing, relaxing or shopping. I hate spiders, insects, alliteration, boringness (seriously I DON’T tolerate anything that’s not amusing except dentists and homework, which are both necessary evils), alarms, early mornings, icy sidewalks, extreme cold, extreme humidity, unnecessary exertion and anything that prevents me from reading.

How big a bookaholic are you?
I LUV LOVE BOOKS. One big (and ironic) hindrance to starting BaP was my love of books. I tried to get into the habit of writing reviews regularly but I loved reading so much that I often forgot or blew it off to jump into my next read. One of my favorite things is to lounge around somewhere cozy with a good book and delicious grapes (I practically always have grapes with me. I always have a book with me too). I spend a large portion of my money (as pitiful as the amount is) on books. One of my goals is to get one of those awesome papasan chairs in my room so that I can curl up in it (with grapes) and read.

I’ve been a booklover since infancy, though my family sadly misunderstands my passion. Strangely (and unexplainably) when I was young I had trouble learning how to read. My mother says that I knew the letters and stuff but I couldn’t comprehend the words or something (her explanation makes no sense to me because no one could actually figure out what was going on with me I think), but I would not be denied my love and prevailed. Another possible explanation is that I was really lazy, even back then, and subconsciously made reading more difficult for myself so that my parents would continue to read to me (to be fair I was 6 and loved story time, they read the stories really well), which continued until the situation became a nuisance. But that doesn’t sound as good and inspirational as my other explanation. In high school my parents even reduced my allowance because, apparently, they didn’t intend for me to only buy books with it, as opposed to clothes and jewelry or something like a regular teen.

Besides reading books, I love holding them and touching them. Heavy hardcovers are delicious. The smell of bookstores makes me giddy and mellow at the same time. While I love hardcovers, I buy more paperbacks because they’re easier to carry in a purse than a heavy hardback and I could buy two paperbacks for the price of one hardback.

I’m also super-emotional and vocal about said emotions. Book or movie I’m extremely sensitive. I cried for half an hour in ninth grade when I read The Good Earth, I felt sick during the execution scenes in Dead Man Walking and had to read it near the toilet, I cried during Sailor Moon, and have suffered numerous other tearful breakdowns in my reading career. Thankfully (for me, not for my neighbors) I’m equally vocal for happy emotions. I cry over happy scenes a lot and I have several, distinctive (and loud) laughs in my arsenal.

What do you read?
I’ve always loved fantasy, myths, magic and romance since I was a wee lass. And I haven’t changed that much since then. I read and will review mostly Young Adult and Adult books that are romances and/or fantasies. Specifically, I like Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Paranormal Fantasy, Victorian/Regency Romances, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Romance, Chick Lit and Historical or Mystery/Suspense fictions in either Romance or Fantasy. I love books that make me laugh out loud (although that’s not very difficult), surprise me (a little harder) and have some relationship related drama (I go positively batty for love polygons. Not triangles but polygons, the more drama the better.)

That’s me in a nutshell (kinda, I’m a rather confusing being to explain… like a cat). Email me with any questions you have, of course. You’ll understand more of the mystery that is me as BaP progresses. 

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